Energy Gel
- reguliuoja elektrolitų ir mikroelementų kiekį organizme;
- ypač naudinga sportuojantiems žirgams arba žirgams atsistatant po ligų;
- greitai absorbuojamas energijos šaltinis;
- praturtintas E ir B grupės vitaminais;
- taip pat sudėtyje yra magnis, cinkas, kobaltas ir selenas;
- sudėtyje esantis L-glutaminas stimuliuoja raumenų baltymų sintezės procesus - tai ypač svarbu sportiniams žirgams;
- Rekomenduojama norma: žirgams (500 kg) 50 ml / 500 kg prieš treniruotę ir po jos. Skysčių praradimo ar po ligos rekomenduojama 50ml 2 kartus per dieną
- 1 pakuotės kiekis 100 ml
Product Code: OH_energy
Delivery in 2 - 5 business days.
We always try to deliver your goods in the shortest time possible. The delivery of some items that are not in our store warehouse at the moment can take up to a few weeks. If you need to wait for the goods you have ordered, but you do not have the time for it, we will contact you about the estimated delivery times and will offer you a similar alternative that we could ship immediately. If you have items in your basket that have different delivery times, you may ask for some items to be shipped separately (additional transportation fees while shipping abroad might apply).
We always try to deliver your goods in the shortest time possible. The delivery of some items that are not in our store warehouse at the moment can take up to a few weeks. If you need to wait for the goods you have ordered, but you do not have the time for it, we will contact you about the estimated delivery times and will offer you a similar alternative that we could ship immediately. If you have items in your basket that have different delivery times, you may ask for some items to be shipped separately (additional transportation fees while shipping abroad might apply).